More Hijab Fashion

Hello lavs! Salam!







As you all know, I love to create fashion sets that I would like to wear or would like anyone to get inspiration from. What some of you may (or may not) know is that I have been struggling to “hijabify” my closet and man, it has been so hard. It has been a tough challenge but In shaa Allah I know things would fall in place soon. There is also the issue of the hijab. It is harder than I thought too. I have enough trouble tying my normal turbans and scarves and trying new hijab styles seems so tedious. Trust me, there is such a thing as having a “bad hijab day” and it’s annoying!! LOL. 😥

Anywho, I would be posting more Hijab fashion sets and pleassssse, I would totally love to get any tips and tricks from any of you “established” hijabis. This babe needs it ASAP! 😀


Until next time lavs, don’t forget to smile! CIAO! XOXO